Oakland to Tampa - Early Morning.

San Francisco to Bentonville - The orange and purple glow lasted only for a minute as we flew east.

Atlanta to Oakland - The concentric rings of color around the shadow are known as a “glory” caused by sunlight reflecting directly back from water droplets in the clouds.

Bentonville to Houston - This view of the airfield seems as if it could have been painted by James Doolin, an artist known for saturated landscapes. 

Seattle to Oakland - Not framing the setting sun allows the clouds to glow orange with a trace of snowcapped mountains below.

Madrid to New York - A layer of clouds above reflected on the surface of the wing of the jumbo jet.

Tampa to Atlanta - Rivulets of tears after an emotional weekend.

San Francisco to Atlanta - 1L – 19R.

Atlanta to San Francisco - Climbing out of Atlanta… longing for home.

San Francisco to Dallas - Good Evening.

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